Life Cycle Assessment

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Oatly comparative LCA studies

Critically reviewed Life Cycle Assessment studies of Oatly products and comparison with cow’s dairy products

An overview of the publicly available LCA and footprint studies for Oatly.  Through critically reviewed LCA studies, we have compared the environmental footprint of various Oatly products with their cow’s dairy counterparts.


black and yellow bee on blue flower

Integration of Biodiversity Metrics in Life Cycle Assessment methodology

The global food system is an important contributor to the global environmental crises through resource-intensive practices, contributing to habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. Addressing the urgent need for quantifying biodiversity loss in Life Cycle Assessment, Blonk and PBL connect a biodiversity metric to LCA. 

Related pages

Environmental footprinting & LCA

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Footprinting services for the agri-food sector. 

LCA secondment services

LCA Consulting

Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk is an international leader in LCA, environmental and sustainability research in the agri-food sector, with 25+ years of experience.

FastCrop™ Footprint

Discover FastCrop™ Footprint- a web-based digital solution that provides precise and instant insights into your crop products' environmental impact.

Available currently for various crop cultivation methods like horticulture, orchard and arable farming.

brown wheat field


Developed by Merieux Nutrisciences | Blonk, Agri-footprint is world's leading source of high-quality, reliable and consistent secondary database for the agri-food sector. It covers data on food, feed, and agricultural intermediate products covering over 4800+ products and processes. 

brown wheat field

Copy of: Agri-footprint with older versions

Blonk developed the Agri-footprint database to provide a thorough and consistent life cycle inventory (LCI) database, which is required to advance sustainability in the agriculture and food sector.

Agri-footprint covers data on food, feed and agricultural intermediate products. The database facilitates transparency and enables key actors in the food system to reduce their environmental impact. 

Team Values MxNS | Blonk

Better Food. Better Health. Better World.

Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk is a leading international expert in food system sustainability, inspiring and enabling the agri-food sector to give shape to sustainability. Our purpose it to create a sustainable and healthy planet for current and future generations.

We support organizations understand their environmental impact in the agri-food value chain by offering advice and developing tailored software tools based on the latest scientific developments and data.